In Memory of




Dreams from the Heart Bouquet - Premium
Diah Bond
I will fly to the Lord on the wings of a dove. Cry for me not my darlings, for I am home. Our Prayers, hearts and thoughts are with all of you. Geoff, Diah and Margaret Bond.
2016-07-12 18:21:04
Sentiments of Serenity Spray
Lisa Breidenbach
Our deepest sympathy and love to the Haviland Family Love Always, The William O'Connor Midwood Staff
2016-07-12 09:49:19
Blooming Garden Basket
Margaret Chiara
Our thoughts & prayers are with you. Love, The NYL Family
2016-07-11 22:33:51
Truly Beloved Bouquet
Elisa Frazer
With Deepest Sympathy & Love, Elisa & David Frazer
2016-07-11 20:29:15